An animated movie, in a distinctive hand-drawn style, based on a dusty old bloke’s 1950s memoir of his middle-aged relationship with a dangerous dog. The very British trick here is that it’s resolutely unsentimental as it edges its way towards its profound love story. As the master sets out to find a mate for his Alsatian bitch, we realise the course of canine love can’t run smooth because she’s already hung up on this tweedy alpha male. Christopher Plummer — start giving him life achievement awards now! — is the perfect voice for crusty narrator J. R. Ackerley (a BBC backroom bod), and animators Paul and Sandra Fierlinger invest every seemingly casual frame with detail, expression and melancholy.
My Dog Tulip Review
A middle-aged man's closest companion is an Alsatian bitch called Tulip. Together the pair go through the highs and lows of life in London.
Release Date:
06 May 2011
Running Time:
83 minutes
Original Title:
My Dog Tulip
A delightful animation for adults, its lack of sentiment makes it an anti-Marley.
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