The Diary of Lady M Review

Diary of Lady M, The
Painter Diego meets M, in a Parisian Caberet and they start a passionate affair. When M discovers Diego has a wife Nuria, she suggests the three cohabit. But Diego finds himself marginalised when Nuria and M become closer.

by Colette Maude |
Published on
Release Date:

01 Jan 1993

Running Time:

112 minutes



Original Title:

Diary of Lady M, The

Catalan painter Diego (Puigcorbe) first meets singer Lady M. (Mezieres) in a Parisian cabaret, where he is captivated by her tight dress and wild red hair. Their ensuing affair is marked by plenty of hotel sex and M.'s willingness to shave off all her pubic hair (which she delicately terms sacrificing her "fleece"). When M., as she's known to her friends, discovers that her lover has a wife and daughter, she goes into a sulk before concluding that they should form a ménage à trois. Initially, Diego's African wife Nuria (Wouassi) isn't crazy about the new arrangement and M. throws a fit about the extra washing-up, but it's Diego that ultimately fares the worst when the two women start sleeping together.

Seven years ago, writer-star Mezieres (again teamed with director Tanner) revealed all in A Flame In My Heart and the results were equally banal. Here, the explicit sex scenes are distinctly flat, with foreplay usually consisting of Mezieres writhing to camera (in one particularly jarring sequence she performs an erotic dance after jabbing a large earring into her lower belly).

More painful still is the risible script which confuses overblown sentiment with deep passion. "I am not a love tourist," says Diego of his complicated love-life after M. has observed that the sky is smeared in "a yellow and purple frenzy". In the face of such odds, Puigcorbe and Wouassi offer uninspired performances while Mezieres pouts and postures to the bitter end.

A decidedly unerotic “erotic” film, its weak script and poor performances give the film little to redeem itself.
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