A contender for best animated film of the year, this delightfully bonkers follow-up to the 2009 sleeper hit sees inventor Flint Lockwood (Bill Hader) and his gang head back to their island home to find it full of strange animal/food hybrids. Meet wild scallions, hippotatoes and shrimpanzees in a film that takes glee in finding ever-more outrageous puns. While the animation design is sometimes a little too stylised, children will love the frenetic colour, adorable animals — and vegetables — and talking monkey. Adults will fall for the inspired silliness and secretly sincere message about loyalty at its heart.
Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs 2 Review

After his mealstrom-creating invention laid waste to Swallow Falls, Flint Lockwood (Hader) and co find their island home overrun with weird and wonderful foodie hybrid creatures. Silliness ensues.
Release Date:
25 Oct 2013
Running Time:
95 minutes
Original Title:
Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs 2
Loveable - especially if you're as fond of a pun as we are - and extremely silly.
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