Carry On Loving Review

Carry On Loving
Sid and Sophie Bliss are supposedly married proprietors of a computer dating agency. But their computer’s claim of accurately matching couples is as much of a sham as their marriage.

by Emma Cochrane |
Published on
Release Date:

21 Nov 1970

Running Time:

88 minutes



Original Title:

Carry On Loving

In the wonderfully named Much-Snogging-In-The-Green, romance is in the air. But it’s not going to have much chance to flourish if Sid and Sophie Bliss computer system has much to do with it. This low-tech matching service involves a card being shoved in a slot by one of the couple and the other picking one out of the filing system and pushed back through another slot, all while the client marvels at the wonders of modern technology. This leads to some classic comedy mismatching, but then clients like sex-starved Terry Scott and milk-bottle top model maker Richard O’Callaghan hardly deserve better.

          There’s far too little of James and Jacques as the Agency bosses who aren’t what they seem and too much forced coupling, but then the ads at the time emphasised this as a “sex” comedy. And while the “sex” may seem tame now, at the time it was enough to drive up the box office.

          Worth watching for Kenneth Williams delicious marriage councillor and the welcome wheeling out of some British acting verterans for cameo roles (especially Joan Hickson as the aged Mrs Grubb) but Rothwell was clearly running dry of endings for this, the 19th of the series, as the climax food-fight shows.

The impressive looking (if not functioning computer) was a left over from the TV series UFO. Jokes it seems, were not the only thing the Carry On crew recycled.

The focus is on the wrong comedy pairings here and the ending is just tacked on.
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