Of all the Silence Of The Lambs imitations this is the most blatant. Ally Walker (who even sounds like Jodie Foster) forms a relationship with an institutionalised autistic boy (played, obviously, by a girl) who knows something about a child abductions. Martin Sheen (in the Scott Glenn role) starts strong in a gruesome scene as a bin-liner full of child-sized severed hands is discovered in the rain, but just seems to disappear from the film. The familiar finale finds Walker confronting nutcase Ron Perlman in a darkened cellar after rescuing a prospective victim. In all a slick and fairly spirited slice of regular vid-fodder.
When the Bough Breaks Review
Ally Walker plays a police detective who investigates the apparent serial killing of several children which is linked to an institutionalized, autistic child.
Release Date:
01 Jan 1994
Running Time:
105 minutes
Original Title:
When the Bough Breaks
High on twists, low on entertainment
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