Filmed when Madonna was at the height of her sexual notoriety, In Bed With Madonna is a glorious depiction of the Material Girl when she was mad, bad and dangerous to know. A decade later, it's a fun, fascinating insight into the shallow glamour of celebrity life rather than the woman herself. Amid all of the parties, catty excess and pretentiousness though, what stands out is Madonna's steely professionalism - most obvious in the fantastic concert footage. Guaranteed to please veryone who sees it - it'll polarise audiences before they sit down in front of the screen, and detractors will surely know better than to simply upset themselves with the inevitable - it remains a must for fans.
In Bed With Madonna Review

Filmed during the Blonde Ambition tour of 1990, energetic concert footage is intercut with access all areas (including, yes, her bed) behind the scenes footage of the Queen of Pop.
Release Date:
01 Jan 1991
Running Time:
0 minutes
Original Title:
In Bed With Madonna
Feeling at times carefully orchestrated, if you can accept this as part of Madonna's 'any publicity is good publicity' campaign, you'll be fine. And the concert footage is top value.
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