Written and directed by Brandon Cronenberg, plainly out to inherit his father’s ‘King Of Venereal Horror’ title. In a world so celebrity-obsessed that fans can buy copy-protected diseases from their idols, Caleb Landry Jones smuggles a bug from a just-dead famous-for-nothing goddess onto the black market and is persecuted by a sinister, slightly rote conspiracy. This has ideas to burn and an icy style which is quite impressive, while Jones (Banshee in X-Men: First Class) puts his all into it as a medical martyr, but Antiviral is cleverer than it is thrilling and more interesting than it is affecting.
Antiviral Review

After becoming infected by the virus he'd unwittingly smuggled from the corpse of a dead celeb (Gadon), Syd March (Jones) has to unravel her death to save his own life.
Release Date:
01 Feb 2013
Running Time:
110 minutes
Original Title:
A smart, subversive but rather cold debut from Brandon Cronenberg that's short of the dark wit that lit up his father's early work. Then again, comparisons are hardly fair, especially when Cronenberg Jr. clearly has plenty of ideas of his own.
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