Gabriel Byrne and Charlotte Rampling star in this atmospheric noir thriller, a debut feature from Rampling’s son Barnaby Southcombe. Sixty-six year-old Rampling is a glamorous, mysterious presence as Anna, a single woman finally hitting the London dating scene. The plot intensifies considerably when detective Bernie Reid (Byrne) meets her near the scene of a crime and an undeniable attraction develops as he investigates the case. Byrne and Rampling are on top form and Hayley Atwell appears against type as Anna’s stressed single-mother daughter. The conclusion won’t please everyone, but it’s refreshingly restrained for a thriller set in today’s capital.
I, Anna Review

On an assignment to the scene of a murder, London 'tec Bernie Reid (Byrne) catches a glimpse of a mysterious woman (Rampling), yet when they bump into each other again she denies that the encounter ever happened. Who is she - and is she implicated in the crime?
Release Date:
07 Dec 2012
Running Time:
91 minutes
Original Title:
I, Anna
A classy, enigmatic thriller that shows off contemporary London at its cinematic best.
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