Screenwriter Chris Columbus makes his directorial debut and Elizabeth Shue has her first major role with this slightly risque teen comedy rather like a cross between Ferris Bueller and Risky Business in which the stood-up Shue accepts a babysitting job, takes her young charges along with her into the city to help a friend with a problem, and one-flat tire later, lands herself and the kids in a progressively madder sequence of escapades and perils.
Adventures In Babysitting Review

High School senior agrees to babysit for a teeage girl and her younger brother after he boyfriend stands her up. She's settled in for a dull night when a girlfriend calls her to say she's marooned at a downtown bus station with very seedy characters around. The three plus one of the boy's friends get into the parents station wagon for a trip to the inner city. All is well till the flat tire.
Release Date:
01 Jan 1987
Running Time:
102 minutes
Original Title:
Adventures In Babysitting
Strays from the boundaries of believavbility a little too much to be regarding anything other than a throw-away comedy
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