You Again is the second wave in what Disney probably hoped would launch Kristen Bell as a Rom-Com Star. Sadly, the first assault was When In Rome… The good news is that You Again is better in comparison, but only just: a game, capable cast struggle with what’s basically a reheated stew of Mean Girls with chunks of other comedies’ tropes. Marni (Bell) is aghast to learn her brother (James Wolk) is marrying her old high-school tormentor (Odette Yustman). Then who should show up as the bride-to-be’s rich aunt (Sigourney Weaver)? Why, it’s only her mother’s former friend, with whom she shares a similarly troubled history! We’d like to report that hilarity ensues, but mostly it’s a series of predictable gags that eventually make way for The Lesson.
You Again Review

The comedy will see a woman who's horrified to discover that her brother's fiancee is the girl who made her life a misery in high school.
Release Date:
12 Nov 2010
Running Time:
105 minutes
Original Title:
You Again
By-the-numbers comedy with only the occasional giggle to recommend it.
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