Wrath of Roth

Tim Roth slams British film industry

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Actor-director Tim Roth has slammed the "fake" British film industry for portraying an out-of-date image of the country. The actor believes Americans have bought into the whole romantic England image - and it's all down to producers Merchant Ivory (A Room With A View, Howard's End) and actors like Jeremy Irons and Hugh Grant.

Roth railed, "It's phoney. It's fake. Merchant Ivory? B******s. Notting Hill? All those mannerisms and flawless turns of phrase; people don't really talk like that in England. Hugh Grant sounded like he was reading directly from a script every time he opened his mouth. British films are manufacturing fairy tales and Americans are going for it like they are buying picture postcards" And Roth is no hypocrite. Renowned for his gritty roles on both sides of the pond - from Meantime to Resevoir Dogs - Roth released his directorial debut this year to huge acclaim. The War Zone is a gruelling account of a crumbling family set in deepest Devon.

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