Wendy Trailer: Beasts Of The Southern Wild Director Benh Zeitlin’s New Fable


by James White |
Updated on

Following nearly a decade's absence from making his own films, Beasts Of The Southern Wild director Benh Zeitlin announced his return with the first images from Wendy. Now the trailer has also arrived.

As the title might suggest, this is Zeitlin's interpretation of the Peter Pan mythos, from the point of view of its female lead. This new look at the movie doesn't offer a load of plot details, we do know that the story is, as the synopsis says: "Lost on a mysterious island where aging and time have come unglued, Wendy must fight to save her family, her freedom, and the joyous spirit of young from the deadly peril of growing up."

The imagery certainly screams Zeitlin's work, with lyrical close-ups and some distinctly mysterious creatures. The Pan narrative has tripped up filmmakers in the past, though, so it remains to be seen how this latest attempt fares.

Wendy has a 28 February release date on the books for the States, but has yet to lock in a UK slot.

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