Transformers 2 Has A Release Date

It's next week! No, only kidding

Transformers 2 Has A Release Date

by empire |
Published on

With Transformers currently blasting and pounding and deafening its way to an astonishing worldwide gross of almost $700 million, there was never any doubt that Paramount would immediately greenlight a Transformers 2.

Yet they hadn’t set a release date for the further adventures of Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Ratchet and their metallic chums.

Until (Empire gargles whiskey and pebbles, thus achieving a suitably Trailer Man-ish voice) now.

Because they have. And it’s June 26, 2009. Which places it slap bang in the middle of the summer of George Miller’s Justice League and James Cameron’s Avatar. And with more to be announced – many more – 2009 is already shaping up to be mighty interesting.

As for Transformers 2, there’s no further word on plot, but we’d be astonished if it didn’t involve the arrival of more Decepticons after Starscream’s post-credits flight into space. We’re crossing our fingers for the involvement of Dinobots, but we may be the only ones.

Michael Bay, last we checked, is directing the film after all, but he’ll probably find something to get into a huff with Paramount over, so keep a close eye on that one. And we’d be amazed if Shia LaBeouf and Megan Fox didn’t reprise their roles, thanks to the glory of contractual obligation.

If anyone creatively involved with Transformers 2 is reading this, though, then take our advice: there’s no need to bring Josh Duhamel’s or Tyrese’s slightly bland soldiers back this time, though. Don’t turn this into one of those sequels where characters return just for the sake of it, a la Spider-Man 3.

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