Top Cow’s Alibi Comic Set For Screen

Producers hope for another Wanted

Top Cow's Alibi Comic Set For Screen

by Helen O'Hara |
Published on

Every year, Top Cow comics holds a "pilot season" where they produce several different titles and ask readers to vote for their favourite to put into production. One of the entrants last year was Alibi, and despite not winning the comics prize, it gets the last laugh with a shot at the big screen.

It's the story of the world's best assassin, John Stephens, can get away scott-free with even the most high-profile killings because he always has an air-tight alibi. How's he doing it? And what will he do when someone figures out his secret*? It's all set in a world not dissimilar to our own, with a dollop of extra paranoia - as you might expect from this sort of spy story.

Mandeville Entertainment's producing the movie, and hoping to replicate the success of Wanted (another Top Cow comic) with the move. Alibi was created by Top Cow head Matt Hawkins, and Michael Renegar, written by Joshua Hale Fialkov and illustrated by Jeremy Haun.

This all sounds somewhat similar to the version of Wanted we saw on the big screen, minus the bendy bullets, so we're intrigued to see how this turns out. But with no writer, director or cast aboard yet, that could take a while.

*Which we're not revealing here out of consideration of spoilers.

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