From the logo to other things we've seen, it certainly appears that Taika Waititi is looking to put a different stamp on Thor: Ragnarok, bringing something of himself to the latest trip to Asgard and beyond. A big part of that will be the score, with the director hiring Devo's Mark Mothersbaugh as composer.
The Wrap confirms an earlier rumour reported by Birth.Movies.Death, which itself sprang forth from the MCU Exchange site. The post read: "No clue if this has been mentioned yet, but Mark Mothersbaugh is doing the soundtrack for this. He had a lot of nice things to say about working with Taika Waititi, he (Mark) isn’t really a blockbuster movie guy, but Taika specifically reached out and sent him a bunch interesting demos and got him on board. The gist I got was it would be a mix of traditional orchestra and then synths. Mark seemed legitimately excited about what they were coming up with, so I’m optimistic this will have a better than normal soundtrack."
It certainly sounds (no pun intended) as though we could be in for something special with Thor: Ragnarok, but with the film still shooting, it's too early to know. But having the man who has worked on music for movies such as The Lego Movie (and indeed most of what filmmakers Phil Lord and Chris Miller have directed, which makes us wonder if they'll try to secure his services for the young Han Solo Star Wars stand-alone) is certainly a good step.
Thor: Ragnarok is due to arrive in our cinemas on 27 October next year. Assuming these two can get back to work...