An event that perhaps even he had started to fear might never arrive has actually come to pass: Terry Gilliam has wrapped shooting on The Man Who Killed Don Quixote.
"Sorry for the long silence," Gilliam wrote on a celebratory Facebook post. "I've been busy packing the truck and am now heading home. After 17 years, we have completed the shoot of The Man Who Killed Don Quixote. Muchas gracias to all the team and believers. QUIXOTE VIVE!"
The film has an incredibly well-documented history (including an actual documentary, 2002's Lost In La Mancha, which chronicled the abortive early attempt to make the movie starring Johnny Depp and Jean Rochefort), and has seen Gilliam labouring to find financial backing and cast members to loosely adapt Miguel de Cervantes' novel into a new story.

At last he has a version of the film wrapped, with Adam Driver and Jonathan Pryce starring this time, and will now head into the editing stage. Hopefully this means the world won't have to wait too long now for a completed version of Gilliam's tortured passion project.
Terry Gilliam's Quest To Make The Man Who Killed Don Quixote