Tarantino On Kill Bill 2

'It really ain't gonna end pretty'

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Seems that Quentin Tarantino's become something of a reactionary (or should we say purist?) in his old age. Interviewed in the November issue of Empire magazine (out on 26 September 2003) Quentin got all riled up about The Matrix and the use of evil CGI in movies. This new-found hatred was apparently triggered when director Luc Besson brought Keanu Reeves to an early screening of Kill Bill. 'I watched Keanu watching and I suddenly felt it,' explains Tarantino. [Warning: what follows is definitely an 18 rating verbal explosion] 'You know, my guys are all real. There's no computer fucking around. I'm sick to death of all that shit. This is old school with fucking cameras. If i'd wanted all that computer game bullshit, I'd have gone home and stuck my dick in my Nintendo. Really warming to his theme, Tarantino continues; 'This CGI bullshit is the death knell of cinema. Movies are far too fucking expensive at the moment and it's killing the fucking art form. The way it's going, in ten year's time it will officially be killed.' Later on in the interview, Tarantino lets slip a couple of morsels on what we can expect from Kill Bill 2. 'Vol 2 is out February 20. Vol 1 is a pure burst of adrenaline. Two we slow it down a little bit, you get to know the characters more, especally Bill; he's in every other fucking frame. Two's more like my other movies, the dialogue comes to the fore, and it's more chronologically fucked. And it really ain't gonna end pretty.' You can read the full interview with Quentin Tarantino in the November issue of Empire magazine out on 26 September 2003.

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