
Full Returns score online


by empire |
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In an age where studios and record labels are terrified that people will use the latest technology to pirate entire films and albums, electronic security is at an all-time high. Which is why you’d never catch a studio putting an entire album on line, even if it was in streaming Windows Media or Real Player formats. And certainly not Superman Returns! That would be madness…. Hang on… What’s that playing over our speakers as we type?

No, we’re not going to go through a whole, laboured, “Is it a bird…?” schtick, we’re going to cut through the chase and provide a link to Superhero Hype, who have been provided with those exact connections. Listen to the entire Superman Returns score on your computer simply be heading hereand selecting the appropriate link. It’s quite a listen. Particularly given how faithfully composer John Ottman incorporates John Williams’ themes.

The official Empire review will be up shortly.

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