Sooner or later, before the genre reaches a burn-out point, every director will probably get the chance to make a superhero movie. We wouldn't have predicted that Spike Lee would have been among that group, but Sony is, according to the gang at That Hashtag Show, close to nabbing his services for Nightwatch.
The news seems to confirm rumours that circled last year when Sony was reported to be developing the film as part of its sprawling Spider-Man cinematic universe. And with Lee apparently on to at least consider making it, word arrives that Luke Cage showrunner Cheo Hodari Coker will work on a new version of the screenplay.

First birthed in Marvel comics back in 1993, Nightwatch follows Dr. Kevin Trench, whose life was saved by a future version of himself wearing the high tech suit that gives the hero his name. He has, of course, been through a few variations in the years since his creation by Terry Kavanagh, Derek Yaniger and Alex Saviuk.
Sony has yet to officially announce anything, so for now this one walks the tightrope between rumour and reality, but who doesn't want to see Spike Lee bring his particular cinematic voice to the world of costumed heroes?
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