Sony Seeking A New Spider-Man

The character's headed back to high school


by James White |
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Yesterday brought the news that Sony and Disney/Marvel had, after months of rumours on the subject, hammered out a power sharing agreement for Spider-Man that would allow the Marvel Cinematic Universe to make use of the webslinger’s services while the Sony team kept control of the character for its franchise. Few details about Spidey’s future were included in the hastily announced deal, but now we know that Andrew Garfield will no longer be the man in the suit.

For its next incarnation – and we’re truly hoping there isn’t going to be yet another variation on the whole spider-chomped, unlucky-in-love origin story – Variety has learned that the character will once more be back in high school, whether that ends up as Peter Parker or embraces later takes on the guy in the suit, including Miles Morales.

The trade mag has heard that the studio is busy drawing up lists of potential Spider-Men, including names such as** The Maze Runner**’s Dylan O’Brien and Fury’s Logan Lerman, but that no actual casting decisions have been made, especially with the character in such flux.

That choice will need to be made quickly as Marvel is looking to use whoever inherits the role in Captain America: Civil War, which is out next year. And Sony will reportedly also be on the hunt for a new director, moving on from Marc Webb, who handled both of the Amazing Spider-Man films. Tell us who you’d want to play Spidey and handle the directing chores for the 2017 take on the franchise in the comments or over on Twitter...

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