Sony And Paramount Team For Tintin

Spielberg and Jackson films back on

Sony And Paramount Team For Tintin

by Helen O'Hara |
Published on

It's been on and off more often than a lightswitch, but it looks like Steven Spielberg and Peter Jackson's Tintin is a go project once again, as the pair are in talks with Paramount and Sony to partner on a deal to make two films (and perhaps a third).

Spielberg would direct the first Tintin film and Jackson the second in a proposed trilogy, although no director has been hired for the third and a script has not yet been written for that one. They would be released jointly bt the studios, with Paramount covering the US and some other English-speaking territories and Sony the rest of the world (it's not clear which category we fall into in the UK).

Spielberg had hoped to start shooting in the autumn, but he delays over financing have led to the chosen lead, Thomas Sangster, becoming engaged elsewhere. The 3-D motion-capture extravaganza should still be ready for a 2010 release, however.

Spielberg and Jackson have chosen three stories of the 23 that Herge wrote on which to base their trilogy, so let's all have fun trying to guess which ones. We'll start: probably not Tintin In The Congo.

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