Social Network Still Top Of The US Chart

Life as We Know It lives in second place

Social Network Still Top Of The US Chart

by James White |
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The enormous drawing power of Katherine Heigl, Josh Duhamel and a crapping baby couldn’t best the seething cauldron of ambition and computer programming at the core of The Social Network, as David Fincher’s latest edged out a win to top the US box office charts for a second week in a row with $15.5 million across the weekend.

The Duhamel/Heigl comedy Life as We Know It still managed to survive some very mixed reviews to take second place, scoring $14.6 million. That meant Disney’s true-life horse drama Secretariat had to make do with third place, though we doubt it’ll be off to the glue factory just yet, with a decent if unspectacular $12.6 million.

Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga’Hoole saw its wings clipped very slightly, slipping down from second to fourth, but it still added $7 million to its running total, which now stands at $39.4 million. The top five was rounded out by the week’s worst reviewed film, as Wes Craven’s** My Soul to Take** stumbled in bloodied and took just $6.9 million. It would seem that Soul sees Craven back on form. Sadly, that form is Cursed. Here’s hoping he’s having better luck making Scream 4

The Town dropped down to sixth place, nabbing $6.3 million, **Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps **saw its investment return $4.6 million in seventh, Easy A took in $4.2 million and Case 39 had another lacklustre weekend, earning just $2.6 million in ninth. And at 10th, we find You Again, with Disney’s comedy making $2.4 million.

To avoid having to change any chart nappies,head over to Box Office Mojo for the full rundown.

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