Sex And The City Movie Has A Date

On May 30, guys, you know what to do

Sex And The City Movie Has A Date

by empire |
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Girls, if you’re reading this, you have permission to leap up and down in excitement, clapping your hands together rapidly like living Energiser bunnies. You may even squeal in excitement – because now you know what you’ll be doing on May 30 next year.

Guys, if you’re reading this, you have permission to groan, slump back in your seat and scratch your balls in resignation (what’s that? You were scratching your balls anyway) – because now you know what you’ll be doing on May 30 next year, if you want a quiet life.

And that, of course, is taking your girlfriends/wives/life partners/internet brides to see the long-awaited Sex And The City movie, which will open on… May 30, it was confirmed today.

However, that’s just in the States, and there’s no word yet on a UK release date, but we expect it to be around the same time, which would pit the return of Sarah Jessica Parker (Carrie, the crap journalist one), Cynthia Nixon (Miranda, the ginger one), Kristin Davis (Charlotte, the cute one with the pixie nose) and Kim Cattrall (Samantha, the nympho one) against Eddie Murphy’s Starship Dave. So, clash of the titans, then.

More news has filtered out about the movie, namely that it’ll take place four years after the final episode of the HBO series. Chris Noth – aka Mr. Big – has signed on to co-star, along with Jennifer Hudson – aka Miss Reall [Don’t go there – Ed.] - who will play Carrie’s assistant, which indicates that SJP’s character has gone up in the world somewhat.

So, ladies, start queuing now (even if it does hurt a bit, standing around in your Manolos). And guys? Oh, you’re already scratching your balls. And picking your nose. Don’t go changin’!

(Empire would like to make it clear that it was indulging in stereotypes for this article, and that it knows that not all guys hate SATC; nor do all girls love it. Please don’t throw a hissy)

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