San Diego Comic-Con Announces At Home Version

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by James White |
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If you've ever wanted to attend San Diego's mammoth Comic-Con, but been stymied by travel costs, badge availability, or the sheer, crushing weight of knowing how many people will be crammed into a small space to hear the latest about Marvel movies, Manga and more? The Coronavirus crisis might actually help with that. The annual event has been cancelled for the first time this year, the organisers are taking it virtual.

Details are scarce at this point, but the plan is to stream a virtual version of the Con that everyone can access online. Which means no scrambling for the scarce spare seats in Hall H, no navigating the bustling con floor and no overly officious security guards making sure you enter through one door and leave through another. Oh, and on a personal note, no figuring out if your laptop's battery will last until Warner Bros. has finished announcing its latest film.

Depending on the world situation, this will be a one-time thing, with the Con team aiming to be back with the full event next year. Stay tuned for more info.

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