Today is the day (technically it'll happen at midnight tomorrow) that the last few pieces of the Disney-Fox merger deal lock into place and the Mouse House will own the iconic studio. Never one to let such an event go by without marking it in his own unique way, Deadpool – AKA Ryan Reynolds – whipped up a twitter post with the phrase, "Feels like the first day of 'Pool" and featuring the image below.

Yes, despite previous issues with Disney, it would appear that Wade Wilson's Merc with a Mouth is more than ready welcome his new corporate overlords.
Much has been speculated about the future of Fox going forward, and we should have a much better idea now that the deal has actually made it past all the various hoops and regulatory obstacles. Word has it that the new Fox/Disney logo will be revealed either today or tomorrow, and of course people want to know how the likes of Deadpool and his mutant chums will fit in with the MCU...
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