US actor Ryan Phillippe has followed the lead of his wife Reese Witherspoon, and landed himself a role in a British movie. Witherspoon is currently in the UK to shoot The Importance of Being Earnest while Philippe is the latest name to be tied into Robert Altman's period piece Gosford Park. According to the film's publicist Jonathan Rutter, Phillippe will play the valet to one of the country house guests in the movie - an American film industry person played by Bob Balaban. Contrary to popular reports, Jude Law wil not be appearing, but confirmed names include the following; Alan Bates Charles Dance Stephen Fry Michael Gambon Richard E Grant Derek Jacobi Kelly Macdonald Helen Mirren Jeremy Northam Clive Owen Maggie Smith Kristin Scott Thomas Emily Watson and James Wilby. Shooting has just begun outside London on the movie which will be filmed entirely on location in the UK.
Ryan Phillippe Joins Gosford cast
Altman gathers stellar group for UK film
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