Rambo Is Back For More

A fourth instalment to start filming in January

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It's been 17 years since the last instalment in the Rambo series, but plans are afoot to resurrect the franchise with Rambo IV, with Stallone once again returning to the role of super-soldier and Vietnam vet' John Rambo. This time, Rambo has settled down, having married, had a family and been "assimilated into the tapestry of America", to quote Stallone, who has also had a hand in adapting the script. However, when work pressures force Rambo and co. to move to a remote location in the American wilderness, the part Navajo-Indian and his family are attacked by white supremacists and his 10 year-old daughter is held hostage. Somehow inevitably, Rambo must then risk life and limb to save her. Stallone likens the film to "vengeance films like Deliverance and Straw Dogs", suggesting that the body count won't have declined too much in the years since we last saw him. Shooting is due to start in January in Bulgaria, with further filming in India and the US

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