Prepare For Citizen Siege

A new CG sci-fi thriller

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Having brought us comedy pigeon adventure Valiant, Vanguard Animation is switching tracks for a bleak action thriller set in a corrupt, desolate future.

Citizen Siege, which will be created by two former executives of the Rhythm & Hues effects company (Lorne Lanning and Sherry McKenna) is a terrifying peek into a future where democracy has collapsed, corporations rule the world and the weather’s rubbish. So, next Wednesday, then?

"Citizen Siege promises to be an action thriller that, like other great science fiction stories, also has incredible poignancy to the universal issues of our time," Vanguard chief (and former Shrek producer) John Williams told The Hollywood Reporter. "Lorne and Sherry are highly revered as founding masters of CG animation and we think Citizen Siege is perfectly suited to be a break out action adventure."

Lanning will direct the film, and seems confident that they’re up to the challenge: "Sherry and I have always dreamed of bringing audiences powerful and inspiring stories that push the CG animated feature film into some exciting new territory. The time for tools and technology is right, the partnership is right, and the audience is ready, so this is the opportunity we've been waiting for to prove if we've got what it takes." To be better than Valiant? Not really that much of a challenge, is it?

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