**Interstellar **is out this week, so Anne Hathaway is on the Empire Podcast, because if you can get Anne Hathaway on your podcast, you get Anne Hathaway on your podcast. The same goes for James Ellroy, who also dropped by this week, blessing us with his husky voice and excellent nicknaming abilities.
In the news department, the team tackle what the words "The Force Awakens" means in the new title for the new Star Wars film, Star Wars: The Force Awakens, and come to terms with a Steve Jobs movie without Christain "Chris" Bale. Also, why do you think they caled Toy Story 4 "Toy Story 4"? What does the 4 mean? Perhaps we'll never know...
P.S. You can check out our podcast photo gallery here and subscribe to the **Empire Podcast **via our iTunes page or this handy RSS feed. You can subscribe to the magazine here if you like it in paper form, or here if you prefer things digitally.
P.P.S. Our **Interstellar **spoiler special, featuring interviews with Jessica Chastain and Christopher Nolan, will go up on the morning of Tuesday, November 8.