Those sneaky pete types at Pixar are known for being devilishly secretive when it comes to their films in development, but it appears they’ve gone to the extreme this time, announcing a US release date for a new movie – November 27, 2013 – but refusing to offer up any details about what it might be.
The studio has Cars 2 arriving next, followed by fairytale saga Brave in 2012 and then prequel outing Monsters University in 2013. But if it holds true, this new date marks the first time that the company will be releasing two movies in a single calendar year. Which had been the plan with Brave and Monsters University,** **before the latter movie got shoved back.
Naturally, the speculation has started. Newt is out of the running since it was cancelled once the team learned of the similar Rio in development. But the one piece of information that does seem to have leaked out about the mystery new movie is that it’ll be an original project and not a sequel, which we’re sure will come as good news to those worried that Pixar were turning to bad habits, mining their hits for an endless series of repeat performances (even though they proved with Toy Story 3 that they can make them work wonderfully).
So have your guessing hats at the ready and let us know what you think the Emeryville gang might be up to…