Ozzy: The Life And Times

The Osbournes on a big screen near you?

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The alarmingly bright star of Ozzy Osbourne shows not even a teeny sign of fading. Not content at the apparently limiting environs of the small screen, MTV's saviour and self-proclaimed Prince of Darkness is apparently setting his sight on big screen glory. According to his wife, Sharon, Ozzy is close to signing a deal with a major studio for a biopic of his slightly more than bizarre life and times. But the Brummie wildchild isn't planning on performing his many feats all over again himself. Talking to The Hollywood Reporter, Sharon said, "He wouldn't be in it himself" but gave her personal choice as to who should play her barmy husband: Johnny Depp. "I have a dream of who it could be, but I don't know if he'll do it, " she said, "He's a brilliant actor." Now we all know Depp' s often been a few sandwiches short of a full picnic basket but will even he recoil at the thought of becoming Ozzy in all his glory? To be completely true to his actorly integrity, that'll mean biting a bat's head clean off on stage, if you haven' t forgotten.

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