Newell In Frame For Prince of Persia

Brit director in talks with Bruckheimer

Newell In Frame For Prince of Persia

by Olly Richards |
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With Pirates of the Carribean now (hopefully) gone over that horizon, Jerry Bruckheimer is lining up his next mega-bucks franchise and is looking in the direction of computer game Prince of Persia. Today Variety is reporting that the uber-producer has approached Mike Newell (Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire) with an offer to direct.

Prince of Persia is the story of a Persian street urchin who falls in love with a princess. An evil Vizier (is there any other kind in movies?) takes exception to this, being in love with the princess himself, and locks the young lady up. Her true love then has to race against time to rescue her. It's basically kind of Aladdin without the genie.

Newell is a surprising choice for this and proves that Bruckheimer is taking this seriously. He's got blockbuster experience from Harry Potter, but he's a director more known for telling stories than blowing things up. We'd be glad to see what he'd do with this project.

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