New Trailer For Awake

Christensen and Alba emote asses off

New Trailer For Awake

by Olly Richards |
Published on

Hayden Christensen gets a lot of flack for being a bad actor, something we have to disagree with having seen how great he was in Shattered Glass and the firm belief we have that he'll be great in the terrific looking Jumper. It seems to be more a case that he's as good as the dialogue he's given. We wouldn't be so unfair as to judge his next movie, Awake, based on this short trailer, but the dialogue displayed in this new trailer suggests he's not working with gold on this one.

He plays a man who is not so much with the sleepiness during an operation and hears everything the surgeons are doing to him, which is not all above board. In some sort of out of body whathaveyou he tries to reach his girlfriend (Jessica Alba) and save his own life or something. To be honest, it was confusing and we were too busy perversely enjoying lines like "Wait something's wrong, I can still hear you!" and "Just inject the heart and in an hour he'll be dead and we'll be rich" (spoken by Fisher Stevens for added awesomeness!).

The film does have Terrence Howard and Lena Olin, so surely can't be all bad. Which, in a way, would be slightly disappointing given the potential joy to be had from a man on a gurney shouting fruitlessly at a scalpel wielding ne'erdowell who might as well we swirling a long black cape.

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