New Skyfall Footage Revealed

Bond escorts Her Majesty to the Olympics

New Skyfall Footage Revealed

by James White |
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Update: As well as the remarkable Bond / Queen opening ceremony sketch, a new US 'Olympic' TV spot also aired which can now be seen below. Some of the scenes have already been seen in the first teaser trailer, but we also get glimpses of some new action set pieces.

As Bruce Forsyth might have said, “Didn’t they do well?” Danny Boyle and his entire team certainly put on a spectacular show to launch the 30th Olympiad. And for movie fans, the undoubted highlight was the Queen’s introduction, which roped in one of Her Majesty’s best-known service agents, one James Bond. If you missed it, take a gander below.

Daniel Craig, the current holder of 007’s license to kill, instead put all his sharp-suited skill to bear on making sure the Queen made it to the opening ceremony on time, even down to a trip from Buckingham Palace across London in a helicopter, cramming in as many images to make us proud of Britain as possible before the grand finale.

Which was? Well, if you haven’t seen it, we’re not going to spoil the surprise. But suffice to say, fans of Bond and John Barry’s theme tune will be very happy.

The entire opening ceremony was something of a triumph but this was something special. Of course, now she’s hung out with Bond, the Queen is a Bond girl… Alotta Regina, anyone? (Dear Your Majesty, please don’t cut the writer’s head off for that one).

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