New Iron Man 2 Pics Online

First look at the Stark Expo

New Iron Man 2 Pics Online

by Phil de Semlyen |
Published on

With the fanboy frenzy that was Comic-Con's Iron Man 2 panel barely subsided, Marvel have released a pic showing Robert Downey Jr. in full tycoon mode (and boasting a nifty goatee) as Tony Stark surveying a meeny model version of the Stark Expo, and another showing Downey Jr. in on-set consultation with producer Kevin Feige.

Iron Man 2's shoot is now officially wrapped and director Jon Favreau will be up to his neck in post-production until next year's release. Until then, expect Marvel's well-oiled marketing machine to keep the Iron Man 2 fires burning with some well-timed titbits, including the relevation that Stark is still torn by his complex relationship with his father, Howard Stark (Mad Men's John Slattery), who will appear in old footage and photos.

Aside from paternal problems and the grab-bag of badass bad guys he's faced with, Ol' Shellhead will have more dealings with S.H.I.E.L.D. this time out, says Feige. "We definitely have more of S.H.I.E.L.D. in the movie. Agent Coulson is back and the organization will play a much larger role than before."

![New Iron Man Pics Online]

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![New Iron Man Pics Online]

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The Stark diary is looking pretty full then, and here's a date for yours: Iron Man 2 hits our screens on May 7 2010.

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