Following in the footsteps of Total Recall, Jaws and Lawrence Of Arabia's Blu-ray trailers comes this surprisingly not high definition teaser for Ridley Scott's sci-fi masterpiece, Blade Runner.
Forgoing the 1080p quality YouTubers are longing for, the WarnerBrosOnline account has instead gone for 480p, which may look a little blocky on larger screens.
If you're willing to forgive it that, this re-cut trailer sees some interesting editing and some unexpecting echoing ("More human than human is our motto... motto... motto...") that may well make your online ordering finger itching to buy the special 30th anniversary Blu-ray once it hits shelves on October 29 - even if there's no hint of the much-loved Vangelis score.
Then again, the original theatrical trailer isn't the best of its kind, clocking in at over three minutes and not really explaining anything about the film... at all. Take a look at it again to refresh your memory and let us know what you think in the comment box below.
The Blade Runner - 30th Anniversary Ultimate Collector's Edition is currently available for pre-order, and will be released on October 29.