New Amazing Spider-Man Pics Drop

Another eight-legged peek...

New Amazing Spider-Man Pics Drop

by Phil de Semlyen |
Published on

Having officially exhausted all Amazing Spider-Man puns - 'humorous' uses of the word "web" and others arachnid-based wordplay is now officially punishable by death in these parts - news from Spideyland should be a whole lot less irksome, starting with news of two new pics from the movie.

Sony's spin doctors - damn - have released a pick of Peter Parker pictures - damn - showing the Spidery superhero at the wrong end of some pretty serious looking weaponry and a battered version nursing his wounds.

So what can we learn from these? Well, firstly that SWAT teams travel by bicycle these days, and that Peter is a PC rather than a Mac guy. Also, that his hair remains admirably bouffant, even after a full day under a hoodie.

Perhaps more significant are those slash wounds across his chest, consistent perhaps with the claws of The Lizard?

Our guess is that there's more to the set-up of that SWAT team than meets the eye too. Look at where the other member of the team is pointing his gun... could it be that they've disturbed Curt Connors at his foul work? We'll find out when The Amazing Spider-Man swings into cinemas - yup, we went there AGAIN - on July 4.

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