Marvel Plans Low-Budget Pics

Doctor Strange and more getting thrifty?

Marvel Plans Low-Budget Pics

by James White |
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Marvel Studios has been eager to keep us all up to date with the films it has in the works for the next couple of years, and featuring some of its biggest names (Iron Man, Thor, Captain America etc). But according to Devin over at CHUD, it has also been quietly plotting an idea to fill its production pipeline after the likes of The Avengers are in cinemas.

But while that Joss Whedon-helmed (probably) film will be their biggest project to date, their future plans also include them thinking small. And thinking creatively.

The company is busy taking meetings with writers and directors to figure out films based on lesser-known, third-tier characters like Dr Strange, Luke Cage, Dazzler and Power Pack. The idea is that the filmmakers will work from a much lower budget than Iron Man and co – between $20 - $40 million – but in return will be given more creative freedom to take risks.

There’s no word yet on when the first film might start gearing up, or even whether anything will come from it, but this news does at least prove that the top bods at Marvel are ready to experiment with ideas and have solid plans ahead for their universe outside of the heavy hitters.

So come on then, people – which lower-level Marvel characters would you want to see on screen, and which leftfield filmmaker should have a crack at them?

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