Though there has been plenty of speculation on what Avengers: Infinity War and its as-yet-unknown follow-up will mean for the wider Marvel Cinematic Universe, Vanity Fair sat down with studio boss Kevin Feige to talk about its past and, more pertinently, the future. Including the fact that the upcoming movies will definitely represent an end of sorts to the current incarnation of the comicbook-spawned universe.
Talking up the climactic events of Infinity War and the other film – which has a name that won't be revealed yet as it's a spoiler – Feige brings up the concept that the second of the two will offer a finale. "There will be two distinct periods. Everything before Avengers 4 and everything after. I know it will not be in ways people are expecting." But never fear! He and his team have big plans for 'everything after'. "We're 22 movies in, and we’ve got another 20 movies on the docket that are completely different from anything that’s come before – intentionally," Feige assures the magazine.
And there are more hints about the future, depending on how you choose to read the words of Black Widow herself, Scarlett Johansson: "I feel a lot of joy for the next generation," Johansson says. “It’s a bittersweet feeling, but a positive one." They're all definitely making it sound like not all the heroes will survive their encounter with Josh Brolin's Thanos, so our advice might be to have Hulk-sized tissues at the ready. For more from Feige and co, see Vanity Fair's story.
Avengers: Infinity War opens on 27 April, with the follow-up headed our way on 26 April 2019.
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