Joining C-3PO In London

Anthony Daniels plays host to Star Wars artists

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Despite lagging behind the States when it comes to film release dates, sometimes there are definite advantages to living in the UK. Take The Art of Star Wars Exhibition, for example. When Lucasfilm wanted somewhere to host an exhibition demonstrating the creativity behind the best movies of all time there was only one place to do it - London. Nowhere else in the world will you be able to check out large-scale models of the Millennium Falcon, photograph yourself in a Pod Racer or operate an animatronic replica of Ree-Yees. And to further celebrate the utter fabness of this exhibition, which is being held at The Barbican Centre, actor Anthony Daniels (better known as C-3PO) will be hosting a talk with Lucasfilm artists Iain McCaig and Lorne Peterson on Saturday 15 April at 1.00pm. Concept artist Iain McCaig developed the costume sketches for Episode I, and Lorne Peterson has worked on many of the models used in the Star Wars films. Both artists’ work is displayed in the exhibition. The floor will be open to questions following the talk - so if you've ever wanted to know anything about what goes on at Lucasfilm, book your ticket now. Tickets are

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