James McAvoy Talks Professor X’s Future

'I think I'm losing my hair finally...'


by James White |
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No, James McAvoy isn’t having a stressful time of it and shedding locks of hair in the shower every morning. He’s talking about Professor Charles Xavier, famously bald but noticeably hairy of head in his two prequel appearances in **X-Men: First Class **and Days Of Future Past. According to McAvoy, that’s set to change for **Apocalypse.

Asked about the new film during an interview for The Huffington Post, McAvoy was naturally cagey, lest he give away too much – not that he knows much about the next X-adventure anyway.

“I got an email from the Simon Kinberg who informed me he was getting dead excited about stuff, but he didn't want to divulge anything for a couple of weeks, so I really don't know," he said. “I'll be older in this one. And I think I'm losing my hair finally. And, yeah, that's kind of all I know."

With Apocalypse – as teased at the end of Days Of Future Past –still just in the works, it’s not surprising the actors don’t know too much yet. But from the sounds of it, that will change soon. X-Men Apocalypse is reportedly set to kick off filming early next year and already has a release date set for May 19, 2016 in the UK.

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