Iron Man 2 Tops The US Box Office

A strong start for Stark

Iron Man 2 Tops The US Box Office

by James White |
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It’s already been doing rather well over here, where it opened early to avoid World Cup clashes, but Iron Man 2 defied some mixed reviews and the surge of pirated copies online to launch at the top of the US box office with $133.6 million.

While some have voiced disappointment that it didn’t best The Dark Knight or New Moon, it’s a good start for the movie, and with strong word of mouth, it should keep flying for a while and turn a healthy profit.

The new arrival meant that A Nightmare On Elm Street was pushed to second place, which is not a shock given that it dropped 72% and made $9.2 million for the weekend. How To Train Your Dragon was third with $6.7 million and **Date Night **proved it still had some legs in fourth with $5.3 million. The Back-Up Plan rounded out the top five, taking $4.3 million.

As for the rest of the top 10, it ran thusly: Furry Vengeance at sixth place ($4 million); Clash Of The Titans in seventh with $2.3 million; Death At A Funeral in eighth ($2.1 million) and **The Losers **ninth, making $1.8 million. The week’s other new arrival, infant documentary Babies, launched at 10 with $1.5 million. Which isn’t bad given that it was in just 534 cinemas and most of its subjects worked for rusks.

Search for hidden Marvel easter eggs in the full chart at Box Office Mojo.

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