Huge Batch Of Looper Stills Arrives

Willis, Blunt & Gordon-Levitt with guns

Huge Batch Of Looper Stills Arrives

by Ali Plumb |
Published on

In under two weeks' time Looper arrives in UK cinemas, and to help build up interest in Rian Johnson's time travelling actioner, lots more stills have hit the web via, and here below are just a few for you to check out.

Offering a better look at certain moments previously seen in the trailer (which you can also check out below), there's a definite emphasis on the gun-heavy side of the film – Bruce Willis with a couple of machine guns, Emily Blunt with a shotgun, Joseph Gordon-Levitt with a revolver – rather than all that wibbley-wobbly timey-wimey headscratchy stuff that's part and parcel of the whole space-time continuum plot.

You probably know the rough outline by now, but just in case, in the style of the Reduced Shakespeare Company: Time travel, in the future, 2072. Outlawed, but available illegally. Crime bosses sending victims back 30 years to 2042. There, hit men called Loopers kill ‘em and dispose of the bodies. Joe’s (Gordon-Levitt) a Looper, who does his job and rakes it in. Until the latest target is… his older self (Willis). Chaos. Shooting. Explosions. Gravity disruption. Emily Blunt. Shotgun. Boom.


Just to remind you, Looper arrives in cinemas on September 28. If haven't read the latest issue yet (see below), you might like to know that Empire has given the film five stars. To check it out, get thee to a newsagents, and be quick about it.{Empire Issue 280}

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