Hollywood To The Rescue

Stars donate millions for tsunami relief fund

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People may give them a lot of grief for prancing around in designer gowns and receiving paycheques that would bankrupt some small nations, but Hollywood stars aren't all self-obsessed narcissists. A number of the movie industry's elite have put their excessive bank balances to good use and pledged substantial sums to help aid the survivors of the tsunami in South East Asia. Starting the ball rolling was Sandra Bullock, who coughed up a cool million, shortly followed by Leonardo DiCaprio who donated an unreleased (though likely considerable) sum to Unicef. The latest humanitarian to chip in is Steven Spielberg, who has split $1.5 million between Save The Children, Care and Oxfam, all of which are working in the devastated regions. The sum was disclosed by Spielberg's publicist in the hope that others would follow suit and lend aid to those left orphaned and homeless by the natural disaster that has claimed more than 150,000 lives. But that's not all, Jackie Chan and 69 other Hong Kong stars have banded together to record a version of We Are The World in Mandarin and Cantonese, which will be used during a Chinese telethon on Friday. Surely 2005's first must-have track.

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