Hathaway And Gyllenhaal Reteaming?

In Love And Other Drugs

Hathaway And Gyllenhaal Reteaming?

by Phil de Semlyen |
Published on

According to the tweet-tastic Production Weekly**, Brokeback Mountain**'s husband-and-wife pairing of Jake Gyllenhaal and Anne Hathaway are teaming up again for Love And Other Drugs, set in the sometimes shady world of pharmaceutical repping.

Love And Other Drugs is being adapted by Charles Randolph (The Interpreter) from Hard Sell: The Evolution Of A Viagra Saleman, a memoir by former Pfizer rep Jamie Reidy. From its Carry On-ified title, Reidy seems almost as fond as a double entendre as we are and, judging by this interview, his character will be pitched somewhere between Jerry Maguire and Ferris Bueller. If so, Gyllenhaal looks like a canny bit of casting.

Anne Hathaway, meanwhile, has a busy year ahead if the rumour proves to be true. She's down to play Judy Garland in Get Happy, joined Tokyo Suckerpunch this week and is also due to appear in The Fiance for Warners. But we love her, so the more the merrier...

With filming scheduled to start in September, Love And Other Drugs is set to be directed by the usually epic-friendly Ed Zwick. Which is a bit surprising, unless there's a sweeping battle scene we don't know about.

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