Halloween haunts US box office

Rob Zombie remake hits No. 1

Halloween haunts US box office

by Olly Richards |
Published on

Cinematic puritans, hide your eyes, for there is bad news afoot. Over the four day Labour Day weekend, Rob Zombie’s revisit to the Halloween series scared up $31million, to take the number one spot and the record for any film opening on this particular holiday. Granted, it’s not a particularly spectacular record (it was previously held by The Transporter with $20.2million) but it's still proof that not everybody regards remaking John Carpenter’s classic as sacrilege. The film took double that of second place movie, Superbad, which is now edging its way toward $100million.

Opening in third place with a pretty unimpressive $13.8million was Balls of Fury, a poorly reviewed comedy about a bizarre table tennis tournament, with a small role for Christopher Walken in a very bad wig. Kevin Bacon’s new revenge thriller, Death Sentence, endured the weekend’s worst opening with just $5.2 million to take eighth place.

But it was a good weekend for The Bourne Ultimatum and Ratatouille, which both crossed the $200million mark domestically, as is only right and proper.

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