A Game Of Shadows Trailer Online

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A Game Of Shadows Trailer Online

by James White |
Published on

And from the looks of this, Guy Ritchie, Robert Downey Jr, Jude Law and company have gone with the If It Ain’t Broke theory of sequels. If you liked the gags and action of the first film, it appears that you’ll be happy with this one, since the footage on show here features plenty of both.

There’s also a nice look at the villain of the piece, Professor James Moriarty (played by the excellent Jared Harris) and some time spent with Noomi Rapace’s mysterious Gypsy, Sim.

Over at USA Today, there are some new pics up and Ritchie talking about the plot, which draws elements from Holmes creator Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s short story The Final Problem, which marked the first appearance of the great detective’s nemesis.

Talking up the evil genius, Ritchie admitted that he wanted to make sure he fit right in with this cinematic Holmes’ universe, a blend of modern feel and classic iconography: "Moriarty is one of the most famous villains of all time," he tells the paper. "But we didn't want to make him a conventional character. The challenge was to still make him modern, believable." And as for Harris? Apparently he "brings a depth, a realism, that everyone was really excited about. He's very relatable." Yep, all those thoughts you have of weaving a cunning conspiracy and generally plotting evil? It’s entirely understandable.

brightcove.createExperiences();So let us know your thoughts, why not, and remember that the film is out on December 16.

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