Fox Finds Mind MGMT

Ridley Scott producing comic-based pic


by James White |
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Ridley Scott has so many potential films in development, we always picture his in-tray looking like a paper version of a teetering Jenga tower. Fortunately, while he has nabbed another title to consider, he’s only attached as producer – for now – as 20th Century Fox has bought the rights to Dark Horse comic book series Mind MGMT.

Created by graphic novel writing/illustrating legend Matt Kindt, Mind MGMT sees him switching things up for his first ongoing series. The plot focuses on a shadowy government agency that wrangles psychic spies. But they hit trouble when their top asset, Henry Lime, has a nervous breakdown and loses control of his powerful abilities.

Cue chaos as he causes the populace of one town to kill one another, and then goes on the run. Fast-forward to a few years later and true-crime author Meru is digging into the case for her own reasons. She’s on board an aircraft when every passenger spontaneously develops amnesia, and then ends up crossing paths with Lime as he saves her life. Delving deeper into the agency, she finds she has a secret connection to the place…

Currently Fox simply has the rights and Scott attached via his Scott Free company. What they need is a writer, and it remains to be seen if this one makes the leap to the screen or ends up caught in the tangled weeds of development.

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