First Poster For Avengers: Infinity War

Avengers: Infinity War

by James White |
Published on

Having given Justice League a couple of weeks to try to take advantage of its release, Marvel is back in a big way and ready to finally unveil something from Avengers: Infinity War. The first step is the poster, which arrived online in unconventional fashion on Tuesday.

Avengers: Infinity War

It's perhaps not the most inspiring poster, given that all it offers is the usual Avengers logo with a new colour scheme. But this is, after all, only a teaser image and there is plenty more on the way. Next will be the long-awaited first trailer, due to hit tomorrow (or today if you're reading this on Wednesday.)

Featuring almost every main character (and a whole host of additional folk) from the MCU to date, Avengers: Infinity War promises to be huge in scale and fallout. As for the poster, it first showed up "accidentally" on Tom Holland's Instagram feed, and if you watched his video and truly believed he'd let slip the poster, then we have a Mr. Loki who would like to talk to you about a business opportunity...

Avengers: Infinity War arrives in the UK on 27 April, then heads to the US on 4 May.

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