First full trailer for Zoolander 2: but why male models?

Zoolander 2

by John Nugent |
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Derek Zoolander is back, and he remains as really, really, ridiculously good-looking as ever, in the first full theatrical trailer for Zoolander 2.

Fifteen years after the original, Ben Stiller reprises his role as the world’s most successful male model, ably assisted by fellow model Hansel (Owen Wilson). But times are tough for male models. They are no longer, it appears, so hot right now. So Derek and Hansel sally off to Rome, the fashion capital of the world, for more cheekbone-based high-jinks.

Of the original cast, Christine Taylor, Will Ferrell, and Billy Zane are also set to return for the sequel. The new supporting cast, meanwhile, includes Penélope Cruz as a hot Interpol agent, Benedict Cumberbatch (whose appearance was only rumoured until now) as confusingly andogenous model, and Kristen Wiig as the bizzare product of too many plastic surgery operations.

Plus, the usual slew of cameos from the likes of Miley Cyrus, Usher, and Justin Bieber, who (in a wish-fulfillment fantasy for the crueler among you) is assassinated in the film, while taking a Blue Steel selfie.

Will there be another freak gasoline fight accident? Is wetness still the essence of beauty? Has Derek finally learned how to turn left? All will be revealed in February next year, when Zoolander 2 (or 2oolander, if you will) is released.

Zoolander 2
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